Welcome! Culick at 75

Technical Program | Dinner | Photos!

Professor Fred E. C. Culick is turning 75 this October - come help us celebrate! In honor of his monumental achievements, interests, the lives that he has touched, a symposium and a party are both in order. Professor Culick has been an inspiration, gadfly, and provocateur for many years. Let's show him our appreciation! This will be gathering of family, friends, and colleagues - expect an evening of toasts and stories, laughter and memories.

Dinner at the Athenaeum
Photos now available - click here.
Note: All photos are stored on Flickr.

Technical Program
Caltech, Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall, 8:15 am - 4:30 pm

8:15 - 9:00 am
Continental Breakfast

Welcome by Vigor Yang

Morning Session Chair: Vigor Yang

Wing-in-Ground and Power-Augmented-Ram Craft
Konstantin Matveev (PhD 03), Washington State University

Gas Turbine Combustion Dynamics: An Exciting Journey in Progress
Hukam Mongia
, General Electric Aviation

New Directions for the Microwave Thermal Rocket; and Mission Design Activities
Kevin Parkin (MS 01, PhD 06), NASA Ames

10:30 am

How Electric Propulsion Changed the World
Richard Wirz (MS 01, PhD 05) , UCLA

Variations in Flame Surface Density in Acoustically Perturbed Flames
Albert Ratner
(BS 95), University of Iowa

Noon - 1:00 pm

Afternoon Session Chair: Albert Ratner

Modeling and Simulation of Combustion Dynamics in Propulsion Systems
Vigor Yang
(PhD 84) , Pennsylvania State University

The Dynamic Response of a Flat-Flame Burner Under a Forced Acoustic Field
Steven L. Palm
(BS 91, MS 93), Caltech

Fred and Robotics
Carl F. Ruoff (PhD 93), NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

2:30 pm

Mist Control Kerosene (MCK): A Safety, and Security Prospective
Virendra Sarohia
(MS 71, PhD 75), JPL/Caltech

Thoughts on the Computational Design of Micro Air Vehicles
Philip S. Beran (MS 83, PhD 89), Air Force Research Laboratory

What Would Fred Culick be Working on in 2008 if He Were 18 Years Old -- The Future of Aerospace Engineering
Joel C. Sercel (MS 88, PhD 92), ICS Associates

4:30 pm
Group Photo

Attendees at Technical Symposium

The Organizers

Professor Al Ratner
University of Iowa
phone: 319-384-0883
email: aratner@engineering.uiowa.edu

Professor Vigor Yang
The Pennsylvania State University
phone: 814-863-1502
email: vigor@psu.edu

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